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Is snoring that worse? Check more about snoring.

Snoring is not only bad for you, but it also hurts your partner. You don't need to live with him, as you can follow any of the steps mentioned above. Get the help you need so you can sleep better at night and stay healthy longer.

Snoring is loud and disturbing to the listener, but for snorers, it is an involuntary and unconscious act. Snoring is a problem that results from blockage of the airways during sleep. When we sleep, the airways narrow due to the relaxation of the airway muscles. Therefore, when we try to breathe through the narrow passage, the soft tissues along the airways begin to vibrate. This vibration is snoring.

Snoring symptoms

The most obvious symptom of snoring is noisy breathing that occurs during sleep. Many people aren't even aware that they snore because they don't realize that they have the potential to snore. Here are some other symptoms;

• Excessive tiredness and sleepiness during the day.

• Headache early in the morning.

• Memory loss and inability to concentrate.

• Incessant use of the bathroom during the night.

• Depression, mood swings, and bad mood.

Factors that increase the risk of snoring

One person's chance of snoring varies from another's, and some people do it more than others. Men snore more than women, although a good number of women snore. Snoring is more common during pregnancy. Also, both men and women tend to snore as they get older. Below are some of the other factors that increase the risk of snoring.

• Overweight.

• Consumption of alcohol.

• Smoking cigarettes and other similar kinds of stuff.

• Nasal problems such as nasal congestion or deviated septum.

• Hereditary cases of snoring.

For some people, the shape of their neck, airways, or head may be responsible for their snoring.

How is snoring related to sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder in which snoring is the main symptom. While not everyone who snores has sleep apnea, sleep apnea is associated with snoring and requires medical attention. Many people have sleep apnea but aren't aware of it, and while snoring isn't exactly healthy, it's not a definitive sign that a person has sleep apnea. For someone who has sleep apnea, their snoring may have pauses and loud gasps, they may have intermittent snoring and snore or choke while snoring. Even the person suffering from it may not know it, but people around them will notice these signs and draw their attention to them. Watch out for these obstructive sleep apnea symptoms;

• Extremely loud snoring.

• Pauses observed in breathing, choking sounds, and wheezing and snorting during sleep

• Dry mouth and headache early in the morning. • Feeling sleepy during the day after a full 7-8 hours of sleep at night.

• Irritability, mood swings, depression, and anxiety.

The fact that there is a connection between sleep apnea and snoring is the main reason you should pay attention to your snoring. Sleep apnea without proper medical care can lead to other serious medical conditions, such as type 2 diabetes or CVD(cardiovascular disease).

How to treat snoring.

There are many effective snoring treatment options and whichever option you choose, never let a snoring problem go unattended. It could cause more health problems or lead to an even more serious sleep disorder. The following tips can help you prevent or treat snoring.

• Lose some weight.

Obese and overweight people have excess tissue in the throat that obstructs the free flow of air through the airways. Losing weight will remove these tissues and reduce snoring.

• Change your sleeping position. Sleeping on your back face up causes your tongue to fall back down your throat, causing your airways to narrow. You can avoid this by changing the way you sleep. Try to sleep on your side and hold that position while you sleep. If you find it difficult to continue sleeping on your side, see a tennis ball in the back of the pajama top.

• Sleep with your head held high.

Try sleeping with your head elevated by raising the head of the bed 4 inches.

• Use nasal strips

Use an adhesive nose strip on the bridge of your nose so your nasal passage can widen and there is free airflow. You can also use a nasal dilator that is applied to the outer parts of the nose to make breathing easier.

• Treat nasal congestion immediately.

You should never leave deviated septal nasal congestion untreated. It restricts the airflow through your nose and makes you breathe through your mouth which leads to snoring.

• Reduce the consumption of alcohol, sedatives, and depressants. Alcohol and sedatives depress the central nervous system and relax the muscles. Don't take any of these things within two to three hours of bedtime. If possible, avoid them altogether.

• Stop smoking. Smoking in and of itself isn't exactly a healthy habit, but quitting can help reduce snoring and keep you healthy.

• Sleep adequately

The recommended sleep duration for adults is seven to eight hours, while for children who are not yet in school it should be between 10 and 14 hours. Teens should sleep 8 to 10 hours a day, and school-age children should sleep 9 to 12 hours a day.

• Use anti-snore mouthpieces.

The anti-snore device is a mouthpiece that is inserted into the mouth and adjusts the mouth and throat so that the airways are open. Your dentist will help you optimize the fit of this device, and you should see a sleep specialist to make sure the device is working properly.


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